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Wild Pilgrimage

Backpacking Journey to Esalen


APRIL 28 – MAY 4, 2025


photo: Molly Steele

The wilderness pilgrim's step-by-step breath-by-breath walk up a trail... carrying all on the back, is so ancient a set of gestures as to bring a profound sense of body-mind joy. – Gary Snyder

photo: Brandon Scott Herrell

In the mountains east of Esalen, an enchanting, ecologically diverse, and psycho-spiritually fertile wilderness awaits. Over four nights and five days, we will engage in a contemporary form of pilgrimage, backpacking as reverent seekers through these ancestral lands of the Esselen Tribe, now known as the Big Sur backcountry. Our journey will conclude at the coastal grounds of Esalen Institute with a weekend of reflection and integration.

Since time immemorial, people have taken time away from the patterns and demands of daily life to walk with intention on sacred trails — pursuing embodied spiritual wisdom, expansion, and community. In our modern era of profound ecological degradation and severance from place-based ways of life, wilderness pilgrimage is a powerful practice for restoring relationship with the Earth and the depths of our shared humanity.

Each day of our wild pilgrimage, we will rise with the sun, carry only what we need, and walk with presence and curiosity to meaningfully encounter our inner and outer landscapes. As we hike and camp, we will learn foundational wilderness ethics and skills to feel at home in the wild. When night falls, we will share stories and meals by the fire and sleep beneath a blanket of stars. 

Inspired by Esalen’s co-founder Dick Price, who found healing in the Big Sur wild and the Esalen community, our intimate and intergenerational cohort will embrace mutual support — engaging relational practices from Price’s Gestalt lineage to authentically connect with ourselves and one another. 

Our pilgrimage community will include the more-than-human world: ancient redwoods, sandstone boulders, surging springs, playful jays, and all the countless beings of Big Sur. Through guided mythopoetic, ecological, and somatic inquiry, we will expand our literacy of wild nature, awaken our senses, and cultivate embodied awareness of our interconnection.

May the ardor and intentionality of our trek, across 30 miles of rugged terrain, wash away calcified layers from our essential selves to reveal bright resilience and aliveness. When we arrive at Esalen, we will turn our attention toward integration and service. In accord with the ancient spirit of pilgrimage, how will we carry what we’ve gathered on this journey into our lives, communities, and lands back home?

Please Note: Experience with backpacking or Esalen/Gestalt is not required. Please see eligibility criteria below, and let us know if you have questions about your ability to participate.

 Photos from past Pilgrimages


all photos by Molly Steele


“I am not sure I have ever felt more in touch with who I am, who I was, and who I want to be.” — Paul, 2024 Pilgrimage

“One of my most meaningful and memorable experiences in recent years… What stands out are the deep connections made with all the people on the hike…” — John, 2023 Pilgrimage

“An exquisite, challenging, nourishing, nurturing, beautiful experience.” – Lani, 2023 Pilgrimage

More testimonials…

Program Itinerary

Two separate Wild Pilgrimage groups (of 12 people each) will occur over the same timeframe, taking different trail routes. The pilgrimage routes will be decided closer to date, based on early Spring conditions. The hiking itinerary below is offered as a sample, and is subject to change. Regardless, the hikes will unfold over four nights and five days, and conclude at Esalen for a weekend of shared retreat. The thru-hike below covers ~28 miles; we expect any pilgrimage itinerary to be an equivalent level of (moderate to strenuous) difficulty through rugged terrain, in the range of 25-30 miles total.

Photo of Esalen hot spring baths: Amanda Marsalis

Photo of Esalen hot spring baths: Amanda Marsalis

  • Monday, April 28th | Meet in Big Sur at 9am for orientation and to begin our pilgrimage backpacking through the Big Sur Wilderness and beginning to ascend the western slope of the Santa Lucia Mountains. We’ll hike steeply through ancient redwoods to camp beside the river.

    • Planned mileage for the day: ~5.2

    • Planned elevation gain/loss: +1695’/-1259’

  • Tuesday, April 29th | After a morning check-in and awareness practice in Esalen’s Gestalt tradition, we will complete our ascent of the Santa Lucia mountains. This is a rigorous hiking day, so we will mostly be getting into step with the rhythms of the place.

    • Planned mileage for the day: ~6.6

    • Planned elevation gain/loss: +2449/-2034’

  • Wednesday, April 30th | Descending into a new watershed and verdant backcountry ecosystem, we’ll arrive early at camp for more exploration of Gestalt & nature connection practices.

    • Planned mileage for the day: ~7

    • Planned elevation gain/loss: +2835’/-2364’

  • Thursday, May 1st | Continuing along historic trails, we’ll have a steep climb out of the river valley, responding as we hike to the teachings of the land.

    • Planned mileage for the day: ~3

    • Planned elevation gain/loss: +2335 /-634’

  • Friday, May 2nd | Our last day of hiking will be marked by a very steep descent and stunning views of the Pacific Ocean. Arriving on the Big Sur coast in the late afternoon, we’ll drive to check into Esalen and share a celebratory dinner.

    • Planned mileage for the day: ~6.5 miles

    • Planned elevation gain/loss: +1218 / -2618

  • Saturday, May 3rd | Full day and night at Esalen to enjoy the extraordinary grounds featuring cliffside hot springs, organic gardens, and sweeping ocean views. At Esalen we will meet twice to practice nature connection and awareness, explore the land together, share stories, and integrate our wilderness time.

  • Sunday, May 4th | Savor a half-day at Esalen, including breakfast and lunch. Meet mid-morning for a closing circle. Depart Esalen by 2:00 PM.

Sliding Scale Program Tuition

$1,550 – Supported Rate (covers a portion of the cost of your program)
$1,950 – Sustainer Rate (covers the cost of your program)
$2,350 – Helper Rate (covers the cost of your program and contributes some financial support for another)
$2,750 – Benefactor Rate (covers the cost of your program, contributes generously to the financial support of another, and supports Wildtender’s ongoing organizational stability)

For more transparency into our pricing, and some guidance for how to decide where you fall on the sliding scale, please see our registration page.

Further scholarship funds are available for Wildtender tuition; if interested, please see more details and apply here. There is also the opportunity to apply through Esalen for scholarship towards your weekend retreat accommodations.

Payment plans are also available; please email us to inquire.

photo: Molly Steele


  • Four-night / five-day guided wilderness pilgrimage

  • Guide fees – supporting facilitation in Gestalt practice, Big Sur natural history & ecology, eco-philosophy, environmental stewardship, wilderness ethics and best practices, and backpacking essentials. (All lead guides are Wilderness First Responder Certified)

  • Camp meals and beverages (breakfast & dinner each day)

  • Shuttling costs

  • Shared wilderness & safety supplies (maps, satellite communication device, water filters, cooking supplies, first aid, etc.)

  • Resource list & preparation packet

  • Preliminary phone call to address any questions or concerns


  • Esalen accommodations for the weekend must be booked separately. After registering through Wildtender, you will receive instructions on how to book at Esalen. Esalen’s all-inclusive pricing for the weekend (including meals, lodging, on-campus classes, and access to the hot spring baths) ranges per person from $430 for a sleeping bag space (shared with other participants), $905 for a shared room (two beds, shared with another program participant), $1,090 for a standard room, to $1,570 for a premium room.

  • Travel to and from program

  • Lunches and snacks on trail

  • Personal backpacking equipment. A full packing list will be supplied upon registration, but here are the essential items you will definitely need to buy, borrow or rent: hiking boots, backpacking backpack, lightweight tent, lightweight sleeping bag, lightweight sleeping pad and headlamp.

  • Travel insurance is strongly recommended. Please read more details here.

Meet your guides
Group 1

Fletcher Tucker

Wildtender Co-Founder Fletcher was raised by the foggy redwood ravines and fragrant chaparral bluffs of the Esselen tribal territory now known as Big Sur, California. Fletcher is a lifelong student of natural history, an ancestral skills practitioner, devotee of trail-craft and minimalist backpacking, an experienced teacher of adults and children, and a multidisciplinary artist.

Fletcher’s inner work includes ongoing exploration in Zen and Taoist practices/philosophy; over a decade of study in the Gestalt lineage of Esalen Institute co-founder Dick Price; and engagement with the Earth-reverent, spiritual practices of his own Celtic and Nordic ancestors.

Fletcher is a NOLS certified Wilderness First Responder.



Noël has been in an ongoing apprenticeship with sacred gardens and wilds of California for over a decade. Her work and interests are dedicated to helping people relate more meaningfully with the land, themselves and each other. Noël served as the Program Coordinator for the Esalen Institute Farm & Garden in Big Sur from 2010-2015 – organizing its land-based educational programs and practice of Relational Agriculture, rooted in Esalen’s Gestalt lineage. Noël found a deep sense of belonging in the Big Sur wild while hiking the steep trails, learning the history and stories of the place, and experimenting with wild-crafting and homestead arts.


Rachel Goldberger

Rachel has been living and adventuring in Big Sur for five years. She's an avid creek-jumper and ocean-dipper who has found a deep sense of healing and inspiration through developing a relationship with the Big Sur Wild. Rachel has a background in marine science, which helped lay the groundwork for her eager study of Big Sur's plants and their culinary and healing properties. When she's not hiking or getting creative in the kitchen, Rachel is tending her garden, volunteering at the local food pantry, or arranging flowers. She is a Wilderness First Responder and a passionate community advocate for sustainable tourism and environmental stewardship.

Group 2


Emily works as a nature-based psychotherapist under the oaks of Sonoma County. She is a long-term Gestalt Awareness practitioner in the lineage of Esalen Institute co-founder Dick Price, Christine Price and Dorothy Charles. Emily has been guiding with Wildtender since 2019. Her three treasures are: process, wilderness, and nonjudgemental awareness.

Emily is a NOLS-certified Wilderness First Responder.



A lifelong wilderness seeker, Bryan has worked as a professional hiking guide in Big Sur since 2018, honing his passion for reconnecting people with the wild. With a background in Biology, Bryan combines scientifically-based thinking with barely-constrained awe at the wonders of the natural world. Believing that the land is our greatest teacher, Bryan is an avid naturalist and student of the ecology & natural history of California’s Central Coast. He works within his community to advocate for environmental stewardship, maintain trails, and increase wildfire mitigation awareness. Bryan is an Eagle Scout, a Wilderness First Responder, and an enthusiastic nerd about minimalist backpacking skills and philosophy.


Ali Goodman

Raised among the mountains and waters of Northern California, Ali has always felt profoundly at home in the outdoors. While living at the Esalen Institute as a work scholar with Wildtender in 2022, she began nurturing reciprocal relationship with the more-than-human world and found a deep sense of both inner and outer belonging.

Informed by her own experience living with chronic pain and illness, Ali is dedicated to creating accessible, inclusive spaces. She is a breathwork facilitator, a forest therapy guide, and a co-creator of a community space that offers movement and mindfulness gatherings centered on connection, creativity, healing, and play. She now calls Big Sur home and is often found heel-clicking her way toward a nearby body of water.

Other Information

Schedule a Call With Us

Interested in this program but have a few questions? Please use the calendar below to schedule a complimentary 20 minute exploratory call with us. We look forward to hearing from you!